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#![cfg_attr(all(not(test), not(feature = "std")), no_std)]
//! # Extra utilities for the [bytes] crate.
//! The [bytes] crate defines few traits and types to help with high-performance manipulation of
//! byte arrays. Nevertheless, it is more of an interface-level of library (many other crates
//! expose its types and traits in their own public interfaces) and therefore tries to be on the
//! lean side.
//! One often wishes for some more auxiliary functionality „around“ these types and that's what
//! this crate aims to provide.
//! ## The content
//! * [SegmentedBuf] and [SegmentedSlice] for concatenating multiple buffers into a large one
//! without copying the bytes.
//! * [Str] and [StrMut] are wrappers around [Bytes][bytes::Bytes] and [BytesMut]
//! respectively, providing a [String]-like interface. They allow splitting into owned
//! sub-slices, similar to how the [Bytes] and [BytesMut] work.
//! [Bytes]: bytes::Bytes
//! [BytesMut]: bytes::BytesMut
extern crate alloc;
mod segmented;
pub mod string;
pub use segmented::{SegmentedBuf, SegmentedSlice};
pub use string::{Str, StrMut};