1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267
// This is a part of rust-encoding.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Kang Seonghoon.
// See README.md and LICENSE.txt for details.
//! # Encoding 0.2.33
//! Character encoding support for Rust. (also known as `rust-encoding`)
//! It is based on [WHATWG Encoding Standard](http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/),
//! and also provides an advanced interface for error detection and recovery.
//! ## Usage
//! Put this in your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! encoding = "0.2"
//! ```
//! Then put this in your crate root:
//! ```rust
//! extern crate encoding;
//! ```
//! ## Overview
//! To encode a string:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, EncoderTrap};
//! use encoding::all::ISO_8859_1;
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_1.encode("caf\u{e9}", EncoderTrap::Strict),
//! Ok(vec![99,97,102,233]));
//! ~~~~
//! To encode a string with unrepresentable characters:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, EncoderTrap};
//! use encoding::all::ISO_8859_2;
//! assert!(ISO_8859_2.encode("Acme\u{a9}", EncoderTrap::Strict).is_err());
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_2.encode("Acme\u{a9}", EncoderTrap::Replace),
//! Ok(vec![65,99,109,101,63]));
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_2.encode("Acme\u{a9}", EncoderTrap::Ignore),
//! Ok(vec![65,99,109,101]));
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_2.encode("Acme\u{a9}", EncoderTrap::NcrEscape),
//! Ok(vec![65,99,109,101,38,35,49,54,57,59]));
//! ~~~~
//! To decode a byte sequence:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, DecoderTrap};
//! use encoding::all::ISO_8859_1;
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_1.decode(&[99,97,102,233], DecoderTrap::Strict),
//! Ok("caf\u{e9}".to_string()));
//! ~~~~
//! To decode a byte sequence with invalid sequences:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, DecoderTrap};
//! use encoding::all::ISO_8859_6;
//! assert!(ISO_8859_6.decode(&[65,99,109,101,169], DecoderTrap::Strict).is_err());
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_6.decode(&[65,99,109,101,169], DecoderTrap::Replace),
//! Ok("Acme\u{fffd}".to_string()));
//! assert_eq!(ISO_8859_6.decode(&[65,99,109,101,169], DecoderTrap::Ignore),
//! Ok("Acme".to_string()));
//! ~~~~
//! To encode or decode the input into the already allocated buffer:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, EncoderTrap, DecoderTrap};
//! use encoding::all::{ISO_8859_2, ISO_8859_6};
//! let mut bytes = Vec::new();
//! let mut chars = String::new();
//! assert!(ISO_8859_2.encode_to("Acme\u{a9}", EncoderTrap::Ignore, &mut bytes).is_ok());
//! assert!(ISO_8859_6.decode_to(&[65,99,109,101,169], DecoderTrap::Replace, &mut chars).is_ok());
//! assert_eq!(bytes, [65,99,109,101]);
//! assert_eq!(chars, "Acme\u{fffd}");
//! ~~~~
//! A practical example of custom encoder traps:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, ByteWriter, EncoderTrap, DecoderTrap};
//! use encoding::types::RawEncoder;
//! use encoding::all::ASCII;
//! // hexadecimal numeric character reference replacement
//! fn hex_ncr_escape(_encoder: &mut RawEncoder, input: &str, output: &mut ByteWriter) -> bool {
//! let escapes: Vec<String> =
//! input.chars().map(|ch| format!("&#x{:x};", ch as isize)).collect();
//! let escapes = escapes.concat();
//! output.write_bytes(escapes.as_bytes());
//! true
//! }
//! static HEX_NCR_ESCAPE: EncoderTrap = EncoderTrap::Call(hex_ncr_escape);
//! let orig = "Hello, 世界!".to_string();
//! let encoded = ASCII.encode(&orig, HEX_NCR_ESCAPE).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(ASCII.decode(&encoded, DecoderTrap::Strict),
//! Ok("Hello, 世界!".to_string()));
//! ~~~~
//! Getting the encoding from the string label, as specified in WHATWG Encoding standard:
//! ~~~~ {.rust}
//! use encoding::{Encoding, DecoderTrap};
//! use encoding::label::encoding_from_whatwg_label;
//! use encoding::all::WINDOWS_949;
//! let euckr = encoding_from_whatwg_label("euc-kr").unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(euckr.name(), "windows-949");
//! assert_eq!(euckr.whatwg_name(), Some("euc-kr")); // for the sake of compatibility
//! let broken = &[0xbf, 0xec, 0xbf, 0xcd, 0xff, 0xbe, 0xd3];
//! assert_eq!(euckr.decode(broken, DecoderTrap::Replace),
//! Ok("\u{c6b0}\u{c640}\u{fffd}\u{c559}".to_string()));
//! // corresponding Encoding native API:
//! assert_eq!(WINDOWS_949.decode(broken, DecoderTrap::Replace),
//! Ok("\u{c6b0}\u{c640}\u{fffd}\u{c559}".to_string()));
//! ~~~~
//! ## Types and Stuffs
//! There are three main entry points to Encoding.
//! **`Encoding`** is a single character encoding.
//! It contains `encode` and `decode` methods for converting `String` to `Vec<u8>` and vice versa.
//! For the error handling, they receive **traps** (`EncoderTrap` and `DecoderTrap` respectively)
//! which replace any error with some string (e.g. `U+FFFD`) or sequence (e.g. `?`).
//! You can also use `EncoderTrap::Strict` and `DecoderTrap::Strict` traps to stop on an error.
//! There are two ways to get `Encoding`:
//! * `encoding::all` has static items for every supported encoding.
//! You should use them when the encoding would not change or only handful of them are required.
//! Combined with link-time optimization, any unused encoding would be discarded from the binary.
//! * `encoding::label` has functions to dynamically get an encoding from given string ("label").
//! They will return a static reference to the encoding,
//! which type is also known as `EncodingRef`.
//! It is useful when a list of required encodings is not available in advance,
//! but it will result in the larger binary and missed optimization opportunities.
//! **`RawEncoder`** is an experimental incremental encoder.
//! At each step of `raw_feed`, it receives a slice of string
//! and emits any encoded bytes to a generic `ByteWriter` (normally `Vec<u8>`).
//! It will stop at the first error if any, and would return a `CodecError` struct in that case.
//! The caller is responsible for calling `raw_finish` at the end of encoding process.
//! **`RawDecoder`** is an experimental incremental decoder.
//! At each step of `raw_feed`, it receives a slice of byte sequence
//! and emits any decoded characters to a generic `StringWriter` (normally `String`).
//! Otherwise it is identical to `RawEncoder`s.
//! One should prefer `Encoding::{encode,decode}` as a primary interface.
//! `RawEncoder` and `RawDecoder` is experimental and can change substantially.
//! See the additional documents on `encoding::types` module for more information on them.
//! ## Supported Encodings
//! Encoding covers all encodings specified by WHATWG Encoding Standard and some more:
//! * 7-bit strict ASCII (`ascii`)
//! * UTF-8 (`utf-8`)
//! * UTF-16 in little endian (`utf-16` or `utf-16le`) and big endian (`utf-16be`)
//! * All single byte encoding in WHATWG Encoding Standard:
//! * IBM code page 866
//! * ISO 8859-{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,13,14,15,16}
//! * KOI8-R, KOI8-U
//! * MacRoman (`macintosh`), Macintosh Cyrillic encoding (`x-mac-cyrillic`)
//! * Windows code pages 874, 1250, 1251, 1252 (instead of ISO 8859-1), 1253,
//! 1254 (instead of ISO 8859-9), 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258
//! * All multi byte encodings in WHATWG Encoding Standard:
//! * Windows code page 949 (`euc-kr`, since the strict EUC-KR is hardly used)
//! * EUC-JP and Windows code page 932 (`shift_jis`,
//! since it's the most widespread extension to Shift_JIS)
//! * ISO-2022-JP with asymmetric JIS X 0212 support
//! (Note: this is not yet up to date to the current standard)
//! * GBK
//! * GB 18030
//! * Big5-2003 with HKSCS-2008 extensions
//! * Encodings that were originally specified by WHATWG Encoding Standard:
//! * HZ
//! * ISO 8859-1 (distinct from Windows code page 1252)
//! Parenthesized names refer to the encoding's primary name assigned by WHATWG Encoding Standard.
//! Many legacy character encodings lack the proper specification,
//! and even those that have a specification are highly dependent of the actual implementation.
//! Consequently one should be careful when picking a desired character encoding.
//! The only standards reliable in this regard are WHATWG Encoding Standard and
//! [vendor-provided mappings from the Unicode consortium](http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/).
//! Whenever in doubt, look at the source code and specifications for detailed explanations.
#![cfg_attr(test, feature(test))] // lib stability features as per RFC #507
extern crate encoding_index_singlebyte as index_singlebyte;
extern crate encoding_index_korean as index_korean;
extern crate encoding_index_japanese as index_japanese;
extern crate encoding_index_simpchinese as index_simpchinese;
extern crate encoding_index_tradchinese as index_tradchinese;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate test;
pub use self::types::{CodecError, ByteWriter, StringWriter,
RawEncoder, RawDecoder, EncodingRef, Encoding,
EncoderTrapFunc, DecoderTrapFunc, DecoderTrap,
EncoderTrap, decode}; // reexport
#[macro_use] mod util;
#[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] mod testutils;
pub mod types;
/// Codec implementations.
pub mod codec {
pub mod error;
pub mod ascii;
pub mod singlebyte;
pub mod utf_8;
pub mod utf_16;
pub mod korean;
pub mod japanese;
pub mod simpchinese;
pub mod tradchinese;
pub mod whatwg;
pub mod all;
pub mod label;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_decode() {
fn test_one(input: &[u8], expected_result: &str, expected_encoding: &str) {
let (result, used_encoding) = decode(
input, DecoderTrap::Strict, all::ISO_8859_1 as EncodingRef);
let result = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(used_encoding.name(), expected_encoding);
assert_eq!(&result[..], expected_result);
test_one(&[0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF, 0xC3, 0xA9], "é", "utf-8");
test_one(&[0xC3, 0xA9], "é", "iso-8859-1");
test_one(&[0xFE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xE9], "é", "utf-16be");
test_one(&[0x00, 0xE9], "\x00é", "iso-8859-1");
test_one(&[0xFF, 0xFE, 0xE9, 0x00], "é", "utf-16le");
test_one(&[0xE9, 0x00], "é\x00", "iso-8859-1");